Poetry of B.D. Love
Water At The Women's Edge Poems, Monologues and Meditations, Urthona Press. Asheville, North Carolina (2001)
"Water at the Women's Edge gives an observer's glimpse of immigrant Los Angeles that is as authentic as a first-person account. Author B.D. Love writes honest and vulnerable, in a day & time where these traits are usually exploited by craft. Here integrity - in form and vision - triumphs over manner. These poems safely deliver the rhythm of lives lived to readers who should never have to be so unguarded. Enjoy." - Mat Gleason, Coagula Art Journal
"B.D. Love combines a powerful gift of language with the insight of the born storyteller. To read one of the poems in Water at the Women's Edge is to find yourself suddenly dropped into some stranger's life, looking at the world through eyes not your own but somehow seeing as though those were your own eyes. The poem "Second Brother," in particular, is one of American literature's best evocations of the Southeast Asian refugee tragedy. In my writings, I've only tried to explain the lives of people from this hard part of the world. B.D. Love breathes with them." - Carl L. Bankston III, Growing Up American: How Vietnamese Children Adapt to Life in the United States

Cut Salt Fire Grace, Sonnets Love and Other (1995)
Poems in this volume, many pre-Cambrian versions, have appeared previously in the following magazines: Weight and Salt (Poem), Houseflies (Welter), Basic Math (Starlight Sonnets), Temples, More Or Less (Starlight Sonnets and Tar River), John Lennon (the MacGuffin), Bryan Ferry (the MacGuffin and Sweet Nothings), Landscape (Birmingham Poetry Review and Blue Unicorn), House (Slant and Z Miscellaneous), Driving (South Florida Poetry Journal and Laurel Review), Why Good Men Turn To Drink (South Florida Poetry Review), Chuck Berry and Mick Jagger (Visions), Lust (High Plains Literary Review), Grace (Kansas Quarterly), Cut (Piedmont Literary Review), Sparring and Roaches (Plains Poetry Review).
Hounds Of Wonder: A Life In Rescue Dogs (2016)
Poems by B.D. Love
“A compelling sincerity and kindness can be found in B.D. Love’s Hounds of Wonder: A Life in Rescue Dogs. Love’s sonnets are the work of a poet whose commitment to his craft is equal to his keen ability to chronicle the details of the lives of eleven very different dogs. These abandoned dogs live ‘beside the freeway’ or are ‘trapped behind a chain link fence,’ or caged in the ‘Central Shelter’ until they are rescued by the poet. This is a personal journey told by Love, who feels the force of our human obligation to see how our culture has cast away so many dogs. Through the heartbeat meter of his sonnets, B.D. Love allows us to meet these beautiful, quirky, funny, shy, and once cruelly treated dogs. In doing so, he reminds us that poetry is compassion and compassion is how we may rescue others.” – Susan Cohen, co-editor of Coming of Age at the End of Nature: A Generation Faces Living on a Changed Planet
Purchase "Hounds of Wonder" on Amazon
Feline Inscrutable: A Life Among Rescue Cats (2022)
99 Poems by B.D. Love
Feline Inscrutable provides a sublime recounting of a coast-to-coast journey through teaching, music, region, relationships, and of course, those inscrutable felines, who sometimes bring sorrow, yet also immeasurable joy to everyday life. It is at times both deeply poignant and laugh-out-loud funny, richly detailed and written with enormous craft.
Reading the verses, you can feel the gentle, yet mildly abrasive tongue that licks, imagine the soft silken fur rippling beneath the fingers, hear the reassuring rumble of the contented purring, and embrace the sense of warmth and calm that cuddling with cats engenders. That these were all rescue cats, often with very dismal prospects before finding a forever home, makes the collection all the more delightful and endearing.
If you’ve ever loved or lived with a cat — sweet or sulky, wacky or timid, serene or rambunctious — you will be enchanted by how B.D. Love has captured the essence and grace of all of them in this wonderful volume. -Susan Eckler